Original Item: One-Of-A-Kind. During the reign of the NSDAP in Germany, it was very common for portrait photographs of high ranking political and military officials to be sold, so that Germans could adorn their houses and places of business with their image. The most often seen would be leaders such as A H and Reichsmarshall Hermann Göring, however there were many other high ranking officials of note during the NSDAP period. Over time, as power struggles ensued, new portraits would be released, and others retired.
This is a great period 11" x 15" printed portrait photograph of the only NSDAP Reichskriegsminister (Minister of War) Werner von Blomberg, usually referred to as the 1st Minister of War. The photo has the metallic sheen around the edge that indicates it is definitely WWII period, as modern photographic techniques no longer produce this effect. More importantly, von Blomberg was forced to resign in January 1938, after his rivals, Hermann Göring and Heinrich Himmler, presented AH with information that would cause a scandal. This caused the downfall of Blomberg, and also the reorganization of the German military High Command, he was the only "Minister of War" during the Third Reich.
An lovely portrait print of a disgraced NSDAP official. Ready to add to your collection!